
Quarterly Newsletter (February 2021)

Quarterly Newsletter


As the CCA’s latest president I would like to, if I may, welcome us all to 2021. Welcome also our two executive boards listed below. We are all here to be of service to Chiropractic Acupuncture and our respective memberships.

This year we as a group are prepared to hopefully get back on track in Chicago for September 25 and 26. We are also preparing for going virtual live with this year’s speaker should the need arise.

Yes, the uncertainty of COVID and its relevant sequelae are still with us. That as yet for an equally uncertain time frame so it seems. Let us hope the difficulties of Covid in 2020 are well behind us. All and all the 2021 year’s symposium will be covered either way.

Our 2021 CCA and ABCA Boards

Council of Chiropractic Acupuncture Board Members
Mercer L King DC, DABCA
President CCA
Email: ccapresident2021@gmail.com

George Berki DC
Vice President CCA

Janette Kurban DC, DABCA
Treasurer CCA

Andria D’Amato DC, DABCA, FIAMA
Secretary CCA

American Board of Chiropractic Acupuncture Board Members
Andrea Faucett DC, DABCA
President ABCA
Email: americanboardofchiroacu@gmail.com

James Campbell DC, DABCA
Vice President ABCA

Colleen Fazio DC, DABCA
Treasurer ABCA

Jenny Strang DC, DABCA
Board Member ABCA

Cecilia Renn
Secretary ABCA

2020 Symposium COVID-19 Related Recap

In brief, the usual symposium was scheduled for 2020 in Chicago at the O’Hare venue. When local authorities announced that travel restrictions and a two-week quarantine on arrival were to go into effect for an unspecified time period, it was necessary to make alternative allowances.

  • We renegotiated the hotel contract.
  • We had to alter the symposium attendee’s recertification requirements with ABCA, as well as with ACA.
  • We had to get approval from all the relevant state boards to present a virtual “live” format presentation by our speaker.
  • We reduced the attendance fee as a COVID measure, to help save our doctor’s out-of-pocket costs.

This was all accomplished in amazingly short order thanks to the efforts of our past CCA president, Gary Estadt. A ‘tip of de hat’ to him and as well many thanks to all within the ABCA, ACA, and our own council who aided and facilitated this going “virtual” effort.

Dr. Ming Je Huang did a fantastic job presenting I Ching Acupuncture, and Master Tung’s Acupuncture. Hopefully, we can get him to do a live presentation in the future. Thank you, Dr. Huang, for stepping in and making a “virtual” presentation interesting and informative.

What’s in Store for 2021?

The effects of COVID have caused the CCA board to alter its vision for 2021, regarding our membership and our future.

On the positive side, going virtual allowed us to save money on symposium fees and expenses. Without these additional costs, we are well situated going into 2021.

We have now added a Zoom account and format. We are poised to again go “live virtual” should the COVID issues repeat as 2021 progresses and the need arises.

One benefit of having the Zoom account gives us the ability to offer continuing education in both live and recorded formats. We would also like to start reaching out to our members to see if there is interest in having them present short webinars for their fellow council members in the future. We could do 1–2-hour webinars, as well as longer formats. Drs. Estadt and Tohtz are working on putting this together and they have both requested that members make their wishes known as to what subjects everyone would be most interested in. Our thanks, Drs. Estadt and Tohtz!


COVID has wreaked havoc on vendor participation in 2020. If you have a vendor you would like to see at the 2021 Symposium, please invite them and forward their contact information to the board. We will need the following information:

  • Name of Sales Manager, with a contact email and/or phone number.
  • Name of Sales Rep

(Most company’s contact info from their websites is now an ” info@sales” email address. We will need the additional information).

Council Dues

The CCA board will be lowering the CCA annual dues to $145 per year, starting in 2021.

This is intended to relieve the continued confusion over CCA yearly dues of $150, and the ABCA’s biennial dues of $150. This will go into effect for the 2021 dues year, starting January 1st.

The CCA Executive Council has made the decision to place membership dues back to a calendar year. It will alleviate much of the bookkeeping issues we’ve dealt with in the past and will make collecting fees much simpler.

How does this affect your current membership?

  • For those doctors that paid their dues in the latter ½ of 2020, they will not receive an invoice until December 2021 for the 2022 calendar year.
  • For those doctors that have not paid their 2020 dues, invoices will be sent this month for the 2021 calendar year. As an additional post-COVID measure, the CCA board is offering a grace period until March 1, 2021, to have all member’s dues collected and in order.

Please renew your 2021 membership if you are currently unpaid by March 1.

2021 Symposium Preview

What is in store for the 2021 CCA Symposium?

  • We are looking to again host a symposium on September 25th & 26th at the Chicago DoubleTree O’Hare.
  • Our featured speaker will be Evan Mladenoff BSc DC DIBAK FASA. He will address the evaluation and treatment of head trauma via conservative care paradigms. I had the pleasure of hearing him speak before a worldwide audience at the Second Annual Symposium on Integrated Medicine in Beijing, China.

More information on his lecture and the 2021 CCA Symposium will be forthcoming in our next newsletter.

Until then, kindest regards,
Mercer King DC, DABCA
CCA President

The views and comments expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the ACA Council of Chiropractic Acupuncture or the American Chiropractic Association.

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